The path to wellness starts here.

Massage: At our clinic, we offer a variety of massage techniques tailored to meet your specific needs, including Swedish, deep tissue, myofascial release, active release, trigger point therapy and prenatal massage. Our therapists are trained Registered Massage Therapists and experienced in providing safe, effective massage to help you feel your best. Book your appointment today and experience the benefits of therapeutic massage for yourself.

Osteopathy: Whether you are seeking treatment for infants, children, adults, the elderly, pregnancy, or athletic injuries, Osteopathy is holistic, and based on manual therapy, adapted to each patient. The osteopathic techniques used include cranial, visceral, articular and myofascial (soft tissue) techniques.

Why Massage?

Some of the many benefits of Massage Therapy include:

  • Pain relief: Whether you're dealing with chronic pain or soreness from an injury, massage can provide relief. Our skilled therapists can use a variety of techniques to target specific areas of pain and help you feel better.

  • Aid the body in its ability to heal through increasing blood flow to targeted regions.

  • Reduce stress and anxiety: Therapeutic massage has been shown to decrease levels of stress and anxiety in the body. By releasing tension in the muscles and promoting relaxation.

  • Improve flexibility and range of motion: Tight muscles can restrict your movement and make everyday activities more difficult. Regular massage can help improve your flexibility and range of motion, making it easier to perform daily tasks and participate in physical activities.

  • Enhance overall well-being: Therapeutic massage can promote a sense of overall well-being by improving your mood, reducing fatigue, increase blood flow and help you feel relaxed.

  • For your fist visit to the clinic we ask that you book for a minimum of 60 mins in order to provide adequate time for assessment, treatment and recommendations

  • At Kitsilano Massage, we strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone is welcome.

  • At this time, most of our therapists bill directly though Blue Cross. For all other insurance providers including ICBC and WBC we ask that you pay your therapist directly and you will be provided a detailed receipt to submit to your insurance provider.

  • Unfortunately due to our location on the second floor, we are not wheel chair accessible. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Kitsilano Massage Therapy acknowledges that we live, work and play on the unceded and traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples – sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil-Waututh), and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) nations.